The time & cost involved in getting from Australia to virtually everywhere was the reason we decided to make it one long trip rather than multiple short journeys.
So began the research & the planning & before we knew it the idea had gelled into an actual plan & now that plan is close to fruition.
Europe for 9 months, Canada for 3 months, back to work May 2012. Gee it will be hard to go back to work, of course we will be completely broke so that is really good motivation.
The only things we knew for sure that we would include were: a cruise of the fjords of Norway, spending some time in Scandinavia & a trip to Greece. The rest of the 9 months was open for discussion.
It has proved pretty easy to fill the time, I really must stop 'googling' because I keep finding wonderful places we would love to visit. Cities don't hold much appeal other than a quick trip to the iconic sights we have seen in books since Social Studies in primary school, for us the countryside, the landscape, the people are what we hope to experience.
So February is over & now the final 8 weeks of getting our act together are upon us. There is plenty to be done to put our life in Australia on hold, pack up our house ready for the housesitters, get our financials in order, get our health issues organised & finally to do the packing. This list might sound small but is extremely complex, thank goodness I have already been working on some of these tasks for months.